Assessment and Evaluation Policy

The assessment and evaluation process in the Preparatory Program at MSKU SFL aims to consistently measure students' performance throughout the academic year. This process is conducted transparently, fairly, and regularly. Students are evaluated on four language competencies, utilizing quizzes, achievement exams, proficiency exams, and various formative assessments to gauge academic performance. The weighting of each type of assessment is decided by a commission involving the Testing Unit, Curriculum Unit, and Administration. Prior to each assessment, students receive test specifications detailing the exam content and objectives. All students at the same level take identical questions on the same day, with exams conducted simultaneously. If unforeseen circumstances prevent students from participating, those with documented health issues may have a chance to take a make-up exam for achievement tests, but there are no make-up options for quizzes or writing quizzes.

Basic Principles

MSKU SFL Testing Unit's basic tenets are to prepare and administer exams that are impartial, sensitive to equality, and free from race and gender discrimination; to arrange meetings that guarantee the highest level of standardization in the evaluation process; and to handle any situation or issue that may arise during the process.
The Testing Unit acknowledges that the evaluation and assessment process is a part of the curriculum and that it should be in line with the curriculum's goals, subject matter, and method of teaching and learning. Therefore, it should collaborate with all of the instructors in order to create an effective learning environment and to carry out this procedure. All of the SFL's courses and the students enrolled in them are covered by the policy for assessment and evaluation.


The goal of the SFL Testing Unit is to administer fair tests that are impartial, attentive to equity, and free from race and gender discrimination and to produce accurate and trustworthy findings in this regard. The Testing Unit is responsible for making all necessary arrangements for the preparation, administration, evaluation, and smooth execution of all exams included in the curriculum throughout an academic year. In order to provide a transparent, equitable, and student-centered evaluation process, the Testing Unit offers in-person feedback meetings with instructors following quizzes, as well as the opportunity for students to object to exam results. Transparency is also provided by the exam application rules that the Testing Unit has developed for each exam in order to notify the instructors and students.

Reliability and Validity

The goal of MSKU SFL is to attain a high degree of validity and reliability in student evaluations. Prior to tests, MSKU SFL also seeks to guarantee that every student is familiar with the techniques of assessment and evaluation. For this reason, students are exposed to an orientation program at the beginning of the academic year. Activities throughout the year are prepared in harmony with the pacing and curriculum created by the Curriculum Unit. This guarantees that all of the measuring instruments and techniques utilized in the program have been taught to the students, and the measurement process is carried out concurrently. To ensure validity and reliability, it is essential to create test specifications that outline the test items and their corresponding objectives. These specifications are provided to instructors and students prior to each exam. Furthermore, to enhance the exams' reliability and validity, the prepared exams undergo review by designated lecturers outside the exam preparation unit, including L1-speaking lecturers and assistant principals. Once the tests receive approval, the designated instructor can proceed to duplicate and archive the exam documents.

During the evaluation processes, one instructor for the parts of the exams that involve objective evaluation (containing multiple choice questions such as listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, etc.) and at least two instructors for the parts that involve subjective evaluation (writing and speaking skills) provide independent and blind-check evaluation. This ensures that measurements and evaluations are fair and consistent.

Another precaution taken to ensure that exam papers are evaluated reliably is that the exam evaluations must be carried out by lecturers within the School of Foreign Languages building. A standard answer sheet format is used to evaluate the exams. This makes the evaluation of exams both easier and more reliable. Evaluation keys (rubrics) have been created for the evaluation of written and oral exams, and evaluations are made within the framework of these keys. Additionally, standardization processes are implemented for productive skills—speaking and writing—to enhance interrater reliability prior to each respective exam. The foundation for the reliability of the evaluation is also provided by the SFL’s adopted curricula. In this regard, exam questions are produced using the subjects covered by students in their textbooks, which serve as the fundamental teaching tools, to guarantee the authenticity of the assessments. Students take tests on every skill they have learned during the year at regular times. Instructors and students are provided with the assessment tools, their contents, and the rubrics used in the process; they are presented in a manner that they are accustomed to.

Internal Verification

The verification concept involves several actions to ensure the effectiveness of the assessment and evaluation process. The Testing Unit and Curriculum Unit constantly collaborate and communicate. They exchange views on exam content and decide on the best methods to ensure consistency. The Testing Unit is tasked with creating and implementing the most suitable tests for the Preparatory Program in SFL, considering the curriculum's objectives, subjects, and instructional methods. Additionally, it coordinates the assessment and evaluation processes. A coordinator for all units and levels is appointed by the Testing Unit, with specific members assigned to each language level within SFL. Teachers responsible for each level of the Preparatory Program follow these procedures when conducting examinations. For both the Turkish as a Foreign Language and German programs, identical processes and procedures are implemented in accordance with SFL policies.

Exam Preparation Process

Determining the students' level of competence in terms of the knowledge and abilities necessary to utilize the language in line with the target levels is the primary goal of assessment and evaluation in MSKU SFL. As a result, the institution targets certain language levels and learning goals when determining the content of all tests. In both Testing and Curriculum Units, these concerns serve as the primary focal factors that direct the test preparation process.

The curriculum created by the Curriculum Unit serves as the foundation for all of the tests offered by the SFL Preparatory Program. Therefore, the Testing Unit receives the curriculum created by the Curriculum Unit as the first step in the test preparation process. The Testing Unit keeps in touch with the Curriculum Unit over the academic year to make sure that the test material aligns with the curricular goals.
Each language level taught at the SFL is supervised by specific Testing Office members. They are responsible for creating all tests at their assigned level and supervising the preparation and administration of exams. Members of the Testing Unit follow consistent protocols for exam preparation. This ensures uniformity and standards across all assessments. Therefore, the following steps are undertaken to prepare for the exams:
  • The curriculum focuses on specific learning objectives suitable for the corresponding language level identified,
  • Test questions are designed to align with the desired learning outcomes
  • Instructors who are L1 speakers of the target language, along with teachers from outside the Testing Unit and Assistant Directors, review and proofread the exam
  • Feedback meetings are conducted to discuss insights regarding the exam,
  • Adjustments are implemented based on the feedback received
  • The final exam review is carried out by the proofreaders,
  • The exam items are finalized after the final review.
Invigilation Policy

Fair, secure, and suitable testing conditions are vital for MSKU SFL. Thus, invigilators play a key role. MSKU SFL ensures meticulous preparation and adherence to invigilation protocols in every exam, maintaining consistent testing standards across the board. The examination and invigilation processes for the Preparatory Program in SFL are outlined here below:
  • MSKU SFL announces all exam dates in advance on its website and communicates them to students through the orientation presentation, SFL website, student handbook, and social media accounts.
  • The Testing Unit posts exam hours and room assignments on the MSKU SFL website and notice boards.
  • The invigilators collect the exam documents from the Testing Office 30 minutes prior to the exam.
  • Invigilators must arrive at their assigned exam room no later than 15 minutes before the exam begins
  • The invigilators implement necessary safety procedures to create comfortable testing environments and establish the needed technology controls in the exam rooms
  • The invigilators verify students' identity cards and confirm that the exam documents are signed by students.
  • The invigilators clearly state the test rules and necessary procedures to the students during the exam.
  • Students should switch off their phones and put them on the instructor's desk.
  • Exam materials are handed out to students.
  • Each examination hall starts the exam simultaneously, marked by an announcement from Testing Office members
  • At the conclusion of the exam, invigilators collect all students' exam documents, count them, and place them in the exam file. They ensure that no exam documents remain in the exam room before leaving.
  • Once the exam is concluded, the Testing Unit supplies invigilators with the answer key (which includes alternative responses) and the writing criteria (rubric for assessing written work).
In addition, invigilators consider the following items for the exam:
  • Only students arriving within the first fifteen minutes can take the exam. Those who arrive after this timeframe will not be permitted to participate in the exam.
  • During the test, invigilators must refrain from any activities that could disrupt their duties, such as reading books or making phone calls.
  • The invigilators officially document any cheating incidents and notify the Testing Unit accordingly.
  • The Testing Unit is made aware of any additional concerns.
Marking Policy

At MSKU SFL, monitoring student progress and providing feedback to both instructors and students are crucial for effective teaching and learning. The institution is committed to ensuring a clear, unbiased, and fair grading process. To achieve this, the following policies and procedures are in place.

Alignment with Learning Outcomes

Instructors are thoroughly informed about the intended learning outcomes for each course and the specific sections of assessments designed to measure student achievement of those outcomes. This ensures that grading directly reflects student mastery of the intended learning objectives.

Standardized Marking Guidelines

All instructors in preparatory classes are required to adhere to established marking guidelines and conduct grading and feedback procedures accordingly. This ensures consistency in methodology and communication of information to students across all sections of a course.

Uniform Assessment Criteria

The SFL Preparatory Program prioritizes fair and impartial grading. Grades are determined by applying standardized assessment criteria. The Testing Office develops and provides answer keys and assessment rubrics to ensure uniformity in grading.