Curriculum Development Policy

The primary goal of MSKU SFL, which is in line with Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University's mission and vision, is to give students who have been accepted into programs that demand a certain level of foreign language proficiency and who are willing to learn a language on a voluntary base an efficient language education so that they can improve their language skills, and gain an international identity. Following a year of foreign language preparation, MSKU SFL aims to ensure that students in the Preparatory Program reach a CEFR level of B2. To achieve this, the institution is dedicated to providing an effective learning environment that fosters essential language skills throughout the educational process. Consequently, coursebooks, computer-assisted activities, resources, and the weekly, quarterly, and annual curricula, along with assessment rubrics, are all systematically aligned and subject to continuous review modification.

Basic Principles

At MSKU SFL, the main objective of language instruction is to assist students in reaching the B2 level across the four essential CEFR skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening[NA2] , while enhancing their communicative competence. Consequently, this core principle underpins the planning and implementation of the entire program materials.

Learning Outcomes

According to the program created with the CEFR in mind, the time required for each language level in the four skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening is organized and reviewed weekly, quarterly, and annually for the students who begin their training in different language levels (A2-Basic Language Use Level, B1-Independent Language Use Level, and B1+-Independent Language Use Level). All the students in the Preparatory Program will have completed B2 level foreign language instruction at the end of the program.

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the MSKU SFL Preparatory Program are assessed by quizzes, online exams, achievement exams and proficiency exam as well as a speaking projects which are completed towards the end of academic year. Evaluation criteria for the writing quizzes and oral exams are provided to instructors to ensure fair assessment. These evaluation criteria are revised and updated based on input from the teachers.

Teaching Materials

All the course materials used at MSKU SFL are chosen with the CEFR in mind. A course book and Learning Management System (LMS) are employed in the education offered at MSKU SFL.


The coursebooks used for foreign language instruction at MSKU SFL align with CEFR language levels. The committee tasked with evaluating the courses and materials selects the most appropriate resources based on their compatibility with the program's objectives and requirements. In selecting these books, we consider how well they integrate into daily lesson plans, how engaging the content is for students, their potential to aid in both classroom and community settings, and whether they provide sufficient information tailored to each language level to enhance students' speaking, listening, reading, writing, and comprehension skills.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Alongside the primary coursebook in MSKU SFL's Preparatory Program, the online learning management system (LMS) is integrated into the language education framework. Students access this system using the password provided in their course materials. This software facilitates learning beyond the classroom, enabling students to take charge of their educational journey. The LMS features additional resources and assignments on a digital platform, where students must complete tasks by specified deadlines, aiding them in independently enhancing their language knowledge and skills in the target language. Furthermore, it significantly improves the effectiveness and efficiency of e-learning processes.

Evaluation of the Curriculum

MSKU SFL primarily oversees curriculum evaluation. Year-round monthly meetings with level coordinators are instrumental in identifying issues, challenges, and gaps within the program while offering feedback for curriculum assessment. During these coordination meetings, teachers discuss the materials to be utilized, identify sections of the coursebook to exclude, and propose additional resources and tasks. These decisions are forwarded to the Curriculum unit for objective review. Additionally, expert guidance and training are sought as necessary. Figure 1 illustrates this cycle of the renewal process.

Figure 1 Evaluation of Curriculum in the preparatory Program


Throughout the semester, all resources created and utilized—including tests, projects, rubrics, and evaluation criteria—are categorized, filed, and archived for future use, regardless of whether they are printed. The Testing Unit archives the exams and quizzes that students complete throughout the year, along with their results. Weekly attendance records for each class are also maintained for future reference. Additionally, all official documents—including petitions, announcements, assignment letters, correspondences, minutes, and records—are archived.

Periodic Meetings

To ensure the system operates harmoniously, periodic meetings are scheduled and conducted within each unit and across the SFL. Each unit prepares its annual meeting schedule before the academic year begins. Additionally, meetings between coordinating units, as well as between units and administration, are organized and announced by the assistant directors. The relevant unit also prepares a separate meeting schedule for class student representatives, allowing students to gather, share their thoughts, and provide feedback. All meetings must be documented in minutes. The dates of periodic meetings in the Preparatory Program at MSKU SFL, which all instructors are required to attend, are communicated to them through the Electronic Document System at least one week in advance. Furthermore, other meetings arranged by level coordinators are similarly announced via this system. To enhance convenience, social media accounts, the school website, and class communication channels are also utilized. The minutes recorded during the meetings are submitted to the administration and uploaded to a OneDrive folder.